Five on Friday
/I've had this idea in my head for a while to start a bit of a regular series - maybe not even photo related (gasps in shock!) - where I share some of the cool things I've found or encountered in the past week. I love sites that link me to things I haven't seen before or that get me excited about some new idea. It could all be a huge disaster and you may get bored by the end of the second link, but let's give it a go anyway! So I bring you my first Five on Friday!!1. This video. I came across it on Facebook and I almost never click on those (much to my mother's disappointment) but it may have been the lights in the video image that made me click on this one. And I'm so glad I did. These guys are awesome and are guaranteed to bring a little heart-flutter to your weekend! 2. Continuing on a video theme I've recently come across this series of yoga videos that I think are brilliant. I am not a natural yoga girl and to be honest some of the hardcore yogis I see on Instagram intimidate me more than inspire me even though their videos and poses are amazing. But Adriene, who hosts this series, is my type of person - very normal and not scary and even kind of fun! I've done a few of these at home and as someone who hasn't the first clue about yoga I highly recommend them!3. Soap and Glory Sugar Crush Body Buttercream. This is actually heaven in a tub! My sister in law bought me a gift set for Christmas and I kid you not, it's the nicest thing I've ever put on my skin! And to top it off, it's on special offer in Boots at the minute. It would be rude not to, and if you're a mum reading this, I'd let someone know quick smart that this is on your Mother's Day list! 4. This next one only really counts if you live in Northern Ireland or plan on visiting in the next while, but I couldn't do this post without reference to the Ramore Wine Bar in Portrush. If you live here you will understand! If not, just come and visit but remember to get there early if you don't want a 90 minute wait. Nothing makes me feel more like I'm away from home than Friday night tea at the Ramore with a glass of wine and some Bang Bang Chicken! I'm drooling at the thought!
5. I've been working on my digital scrap skills over half term and one of the best things all week has been the love and encouragement over at The Lilypad. It may not be your thing but if it is, they have an amazing store full of incredible designers, one of whom I'm lucky enough to create for, but the community in the gallery is the best I've ever come across in this line of activity. And the creations by the people who use the gallery is so inspiring.So there you go! Five on Friday to maybe make you smile or inspire you. Whatever you're up to this weekend I hope you have a lovely few days! Janine xx