mini bucket list
/I'm a big fan of Kelle Hampton and her blog. If you haven't read it before I strongly recommend getting yourself a large cup of tea/coffee/wine and plonking yourself down for a long read at her beautiful words and a look at her amazing photos of her girls. There's just so much to love about her blog. But one idea particularly struck me as a top notch beezer idea, and I really don't think she'd mind if I pinched it and shared it here!In this post she shared her ideas for a mini bucket list - things she hoped to achieve that week. Not just your average list, mind. No no no, this was to be a list of loveliness for all and sundry. And as a lover of both lists and loveliness, it seemed silly not to try it out for myself. And so I present to you my mini bucket list for this week.:: send a pamper parcel to a friend I haven't seen for a while.:: find a tasty new salad recipe and give it a whirl.:: go outside and soak up the sun while it lasts.:: make time for catching up with a friend I usually see fleetingly at school drop off.:: indulge myself in a little creative time just on my ownio in my study.:: maybe order some lovely things to make something lovely for a teeny tiny little girl I haven't yet met but who I love sooo very much already.:: finally make smoothies with the boys.:: say 'yes' more often and 'no' a bit less (within reason, obviously!)
I'm going to write that list into my special book for lists and enjoy myself immensely as I work my way through it and tick each item off! I'm keeping it shortish this week - I'm all about small achievable goals at the moment - and I shall share how I get on next week sometime. And what about your bucket list? Is there something you've always been meaning to do that you might just do this week? How lovely it would be if you joined me on this week of wonderful. In fact, I double dare you to do it! And don't forget to let me know how you get on!For now, I shall leave you with a few more photos of our sunny weekend - it full on rocked!
I hope you've been making the most of the sunny days too!