birthdays are the best
/So Conor turned 5 last weekend and I spent the whole week leading up to it dealing with a mixed bag of emotions (no big shock there!) Excited that for the first time he was excited about a party. Somewhat stressed organising fun activities and food for 12 small people for said party! Sadness that my baby is most definitely not a baby anymore. And sheer disbelief that the past 5 years have flown past so quickly.Our weekend was absolutely perfect. From the overload of crispie buns and top hats to pass the parcel and musical statues. From presents galore to the peace of a walk in our favourite haunt, Mountstewart. From 4 years old to 5 years old. And what better way to share the birthday fun than a total photofest! On Saturday we had a party at home with some of Conor's friends. Pretty much chaos, but when I asked him if he'd enjoyed it he said "Oh mummy I loved it!" The stress vanished in that moment!Sunday was his actual birthday so that was a day for family - just the 4 of us for the morning and then all of us for more cake and presents in the afternoon. These are the kind of celebrations I hope our boys remember when they grow up.
Exactly how cute is he in those skinny jammies? And the plane he is drawing is a daily favourite. It's a war plane and is probably bombing a lot of other planes and creating a lot of explosions. It always is!And one last photo, just because it makes me smile. I think I might need this in a giminormous size on a wall somewhere!