Seasonal fun
For one not much given to Hallowe'en, we seem to be entering into the fun rightly. Yesterday was pumpkin carving day with much discussion over the design of the teeth. We have a small hommage to the vampires in our lives on one of them! Not a Cullen, for sure! And tonight we hosted a party for some of Patrick's friends which will certainly go down as one of the noisiest nights we've had for a while. We had fancy dress, ducking for apples, lots of plastic insects, the grossest buns I've ever made (it's my pennance for being sucked in by packaging!) and a lot of toilet paper lying around after our mummy game! My favourite part was the party bags I bought online at Elle's Studio - absolutely amazing and so much fun to make. I doubt the boys noticed much except how many chews they had inside, but I got so much satisfaction out of them that I don't even care! The satisfaction I got out of the water bottle labels I made from these tags was only slightly less! See, a bit of creating can make even the most daunting of prospects (like 10 small boys in ghoulish costumes screaming like banshees around the garden) seem altogether manageable!
Can I just finish by saying how much I love that photo of Conor skipping up the hall after checking on the pumpkins!!