/I read a really interesting article in Junior magazine recently about the time we spend with our kids and a line from it has stuck with me ever since. It said "the days are long but the years are short". And I've thought about this a lot this past week, especially as we begin to plan for Patrick's 6th birthday. How is it that the minutes spent playing monster trucks or Power Miners are the longest in my day while the years of tiny people are almost visibly whizzing past me? I know that before long my Thursday and Friday mornings will be free of all things little boy, and not long after that I'll be free until 2pm. And while the thought of that sometimes seems like a dream come true, I suspect I will miss those monster truck games and watching closely as the new Lego set is expertly demonstrated more than I think I will. So I have documented the thought - perhaps it will be an encouragement to them in the distant future as they have to endure playing Barbie with their daughters (sweet justice, don't you think!!)