If I could go back....

I would totally make my mum send me to dance classes and audition for every musical going! Yep, I'm a secret repressed dancer (although there are a few close friends who already know the truth!) So what, you may ask, has brought on this sudden need to share my regrets? Nothing more than a week of catching up on some musical viewing at the cinema and on dvd. Last week my mum, sister and I went to see the new Hairspray movie, and I cannot even begin to tell you how much I LOVED it! My friend Aly had seen it a few times and had us pretty well hyped, but not even that prepared me for the songs and the dancing. I am now a happy, sing-along owner of the soundtrack as well, much to the disappointment of my husband who does not get it at all. Although the boys seemed happy enough to listen in the car. (Would it be wrong for me to live vicariously through them and send them to dance classes?)

Not satisfied with that musical, however, Lesley and our musical loving friend Cathryn came round the next night with this....

Highschoolmusicalmv13 Ok, I know I'm losing some of you as you read this (but I'm pretty sure Judith will read on and possibly follow the link too hehe!) but again, I LOVED it! I have been walking around all week humming some of the songs and have even snuck it on the dvd a few times when the boys have been around, but don't tell Michael - I'm not sure if it may be grounds for divorce. What is it about these cheesy songs and dances that makes me wish I was 15 again and could buy the dance mat and singalong microphone from the Argos catalogue? I don't know, but I am happy to disclose that instead of scrapping tonight after I came back from a long day of wedding photos in Enniskillen, I popped this in the dvd again, poured a glass of wine, grabbed the Dairy Milk from the fridge and enjoyed an uniterrupted viewing while Michael kept the peace in East Belfast and my mum and dad kept the boys for the night. surely life doesn't get much better than that? I dare you to check this out and not end up singing along! Do I feel a layout for my 'just because it makes me happy' book coming on? I think I just might!