Sometimes it just flies past and you really have no recollection of where the time went. It's not like there hasn't been a lot going on, in fact, quite the opposite. Which is possibly the cause of this slight absence from life. What with birthdays and parties, lots of nights in school and a pretend life in my head where I make stuff and own a fabulous shop, I've hardly had time to stop and draw breath. Not to mention the amazing tv choices to be had this season - Thursday nights are almost crashing my Sky+ planner in my attempt not to miss anything! So let me share a little of what's been going on.
Firstly, someone burst right out of toddlerdom and into little boy-hood. Conor turned 4 a couple of weeks ago. We celebrated with 3 cakes, 5 friends and lots of family. It would be fair to say that it was a rather train oriented event! In fact, as far as presents went, if it didn't run on steam or at least have a picture of a train on it, it was rather a waste of time and money! His playgroup shared a cake and made him a birthday crown and then we had a small party with just a few of his friends. He's not much of a one for crowds or fuss so it was a simple affair of musical statues, pass the parcel and crispie buns. What more could you need? Well, you would need another cake the next day for your actual birthday so that you can blow out more candles with your family watching!
Michael has been busy this week putting up some of the things we want to decorate our walls with. This is my particular favourite - it's hanging above our cloakroom door so that no matter how bad the day may look, you can leave the house with a giggle! It's a question many of you may not have considered before, but I think it's worth a thought, don't you?
I'm also loving this (our friends choose the most amazing presents - lucky, lucky us!) We're having great fun measuring every visitor to the house, and the boys are longing for the day they make it to the next height. I'm as big as an average jockey. A career I hadn't thought of, but may do now that I know I fit at least one of the criteria. (If being able to ride a horse is vital then I may have to reconsider!)
Amidst all the busyness of life in January, I have also managed to create a few layouts. Believe me, it's more of a shock to me than anyone! I feel like my creative groove is, well, grooving. I've reorganised my study and purged lots of my supplies (the guilt of living with so much unused stuff was dragging me down, not to mention how rude it would be to buy more stuff while all that was lying around. This clearly now means that I can go right ahead and load that 2peas wish list into my bucket!!) As a result, I am able to create in a calm and inspiring environment!
Now, if I ramble on about anything else I will have no choice but to abandon blogging for another 3 weeks! Instead, you should pop over to Sheila's blog where she will be delighted to receive visits and comments to while away the weeks as she recovers from a broken pelvis courtesy of the school ski trip! Be nice to her - 6 weeks is a long time, especially with a zimmer frame!